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Wick (Thos McKay): Week 3 – 24 June

Ah, sleep.  Something which everyone should have more of, according to researchers. Including me, these past few months.  Inevitably, just when sleep patterns sauntered towards a new normal, another hand grenade was lobbed into the rippling pool of tranquillity.  By last Monday, I’d had enough of depression topped with new anxiety and aided by poor sleep.  I made two appointments, one with the doctor, and one with the mental health team. 

Summer Grasses

The doctor prescribed some meds, which were started on Friday night. It had an almost immediate effect in terms of sedative properties; I was falling-down sleepy.  Drowsiness continued through most of the following day, but the second day was far better.  The effects should even out over time; the important thing is I’ve had two nights of better sleep. 

The mental health team did two quizzes.  The results were that ‘therapeutic intervention’ wasn’t necessary, and it’s ‘situational anxiety’, which will ease over time.  As we ended the appointment, something the counsellor said was a mini-lightbulb moment: “It’s out of your control”.  A simple, short phrase that made me realise that yes indeed, it is out of my control.  I knew it, of course, but having someone else say it was the last blow of the hammer on the nail of realisation, and brought it home.  I’ve been much better since.


Regarding my brother-in-law, we’re not much further forward than we were 10 days ago.  The cousins have been able to access the house, because I found details of a key safe in old e-mails.  The police have finally told us that the items taken for safekeeping can be collected; if they’d initially told us this, it would have reduced anxiety and phone calls.  On their visit to the house, the cousins found the house it in good order, something we are extremely glad about. Perishable food has been disposed and the rubbish put out.  The next-door farmers are keeping an eye on the place too, quizzing anyone unknown.  But we still await news from the Coroner.  Without that, we can’t move forward.  Still in limbo.

Koi in lichen

The new gansey has been started; the necessary measurements came Thursday.  The recipient, a lovely lady from the funeral directors who helped turn arranging a service from a pig’s ear into a silk purse experience, has requested a split welt.  I’m using the Channel Island cast-on; its picot edge will give the gansey a more feminine air.  I haven’t conclusively decided on the pattern, and have two from the Johnston Collection in mind.  One is a full body pattern.  The other has bands of patterning, but only glimpses of the pattern appear in the photo because the gansey is under a waistcoat.  Enough to see what the pattern is, but not enough to see if the pattern continues to the hem.

I’m off on holiday for a fortnight, one that was planned in the balmy days of autumn.  I hope to do some brief blogs while I’m away, but you’ll understand if I don’t manage it.



10 comments to Wick (Thos McKay): Week 3 – 24 June

  • You certainly have been dealt a rotten hand. Surprised you managed to cast on more than 3 stitches. Glad the mental health team have not given you any meds, quite right as this is absolutely due to circumstances and the feeling will pass with time. Hope you don’t need the sedatives for too long either. In the old days a shot of brandy would have been recommended by the doctor.
    Enjoy your holiday, it is probably a good thing to take yourself away at this time and completely understandable if we don’t get a blog for a couple of weeks.

  • meg macleod

    I hope ypur holiday is wonderfully relaxing..
    Slow down your brainwaves with a bit if meditation….
    Everything will get sorted in its own highland philosophy
    There is no need to tush..xx

  • Michele

    If the knitting isn’t relaxing, at least the colour is! Gorgeous. Gordon’s blog encouraged me to want to knit a gansey and I have been sitting on the yarn and pattern for four years because I want to have a split welt but I’m not sure how to start. It looks like you have left a loop on the left side – if that is true, what is the purpose? Many thanks for your perseverance.

    • Margaret Reid

      Hi Michele
      The Channel Island cast on calls for a doubled strand and a single strand. The loop is where the doubled strand turns on itself, if that makes sense. Ysolde Teague has a short video of how to do it. HTH!

  • Christiann

    It is a process .. you’re very matter of fact and self aware .. be gentle with yourself too. Sending more hugs from Nova Scotia.
    (That gansey will be gorgeous! I love that colour!)

  • Lois

    Please take care of yourself. I’m so glad that you were able to get help. I know only too well what you are going through.
    But gansey knitting is great therapy!

  • =Tamar

    Have a good holiday.
    As for the gansey design, you know best but my tendency would be to go for bands, just for a change. Need it be a surprise, though? Perhaps the intended recipient has a preference.

  • Mary

    Margaret, I hope your holiday is a restorative respite for you. Please take good care. And don’t pressure yourself with blogging while away; we readers will be here when you return. Best regards from another Nova Scotian.

  • Steve

    Have a nice holiday Margaret and like Mary says, don’t worry about the blog too much, we’ll all still be here!

    Btw, I’m just starting a new gansey for a man but then next in my order book is one for my wife. Channel Island cast on with a picot edge eh? Sounds like it would be good for my wife.

    Now, I just need to research what that all actually means…

    This is one of the reasons why I love this page – always lots of inspiration (and homework!)

  • Kevin

    Many thanks for the heads up about the Journal of Scottish Yarns, duly acquired, delivered and being read. Impressed by the article on Ganseys and Gordon’s dedication. Enjoy your holiday away from stress, I hope. In the thoughts of many. Take care and happy travels and knitting.

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