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Flamborough (Carol Walkington): Week 1 – 23rd August

Well, here we are, a new week and an exciting new gansey to explore. I’m knitting this one in Frangipani Moonlight, one of my favourite shades. It’s for another work colleague (and bearing in mind that my place of work now employs over sixty people, if your next question is, Are you going to knit a gansey for all your colleagues, the answer is, Possibly not). The pattern is inspired by another gem from Flamborough, illustration 79 on page 58 in Rae Compton’s book (Amazon affiliate link). It’s a standard Flamborough combination of ropes, moss stitch and diamonds, but with a heart pattern running up the centre. I’ll post the pattern next time when hopefully it’s a little more advanced.

Meanwhile, last Saturday dawned cool and damp so we decided to go for a walk under the shelter of the trees of Dunnet Forest. We took along Legolas the Elf, as you never can tell when you might run into a raiding party of goblins if you travel too far from the sanctum of Wick. But this proved a big mistake, for almost at once he turned all fey and eldritch; it seems there’s nothing quite like a forest to bring out an elf’s inner drama queen.

Spider’s Web after rain

We hadn’t gone more than a few yards into the shadow of the trees before Legolas stopped and held up a warning hand.
“This forest is old,” he said. “Very old.”
“Uh, I really don’t think so. I mean, they literally grow those trees to sell them every Christmas.”
He narrowed his eyes, which made me wonder when he’d last visited an optician. “It’s full of memory… and anger.”
“That’s a squirrel.”
“The trees have feelings, my friend.”
“You mean, like those passive-aggressive Christmas trees over there?”

Forest Trees

Just then a deep note resonated through the forest. Legolas tilted his head to listen.
“The trees are speaking to each other,” he said.
“Um… Pretty sure that’s a wood pigeon.”
“The elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak.”
“Still a wood pigeon, mate. Look, tell you what, let’s forget about the forest and just go get an ice cream.”
So it was that twenty minutes later we three stood at John O’Groats, backs to the wind, looking out to sea, ice creams in hand.
Legolas held up his double scoop with extra sprinkles.
“This ice cream cone is old,” he said. “Very old. It’s full of sugar and modifying agents… and anger.”
“I thought mine tasted funny.”
Suddenly he turned to stare inland. “A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.”
“Oh, you’re giving us the Elf weather now? Hang on a minute though, that’s Thurso over there, isn’t it? Fair enough, then…”


Fair Isle/ Wick Leaf Pattern

What’s in a name? That which we call a stinking corpse lily by any other name would smell as sweet, as Juliet so truly observed. But what about fictional characters? Swap them around and I can’t help feeling some of the mystique would be lost.

Flowers in Dunnet Forest

 Take Moby Dick. Would Ahab have sought his revenge so obsessively if its object had been a certain Peruvian bear and not The White Whale? I suspect not. “From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee, O cursed Paddington! And—I’m sorry, what’s this? A marmalade sandwich? Oh, er, thanks. And a paper plate and a napkin? Ahaha. Sorry about all the harpooning and blasphemy and stuff. Er. So, Peru, eh? Funnily enough, that doubloon nailed to the mast comes from the Andes…”

The Teletubbies would make for interesting villains. Would Voldemort be as menacing if his name was Tinky Winky? What if Anakin Skywalker’s Sith handle had been Dipsy instead of Darth Vader? (Or, to vary the theme for a moment, Dweezil or Moon Unit, like Frank Zappa’s children? “Enough of this! Release him, Lord Moon Unit” does have a certain ring.) Doctor No of course becomes Doctor Po, and is terrifying either way.

Swimmers at the Trinkie

This week’s jumpers are a surprise double-header. The first is a Fair Isle, knit by Margaret, using a pattern and yarn from Jamieson’s. It was initially a project for me to knit; I’d enjoyed my previous forays into two-colour Lopi knitting, and wanted to try something more ambitious. Reader, I crashed and burned: having three or four colours on the go did my head in, and the balls ended up like Ahab, entangled in his line. I was forced to give up after a few inches, so Margaret took it on and started again from scratch. Fair Isle knitting can be stunning, and this, I’m sure you’ll agree, is pretty amazing.

The other jumper is a Wick leaf pattern gansey, knit in Frangipani navy. Sometimes when I’m knitting ganseys with intricate patterns I like to alternate now and then with one where I don’t have to concentrate so much; so this one was knit on and off over several months. The leaf makes a nice change from the more common herringbone, and the pattern is a personal favourite. Plus there’s only so long I can go without knitting in navy…

Finally on names, there’s the world’s most famous international spy. It’s late, eleven o’clock at night in an exclusive London club. He sits at the baccarat table in evening dress, a cigarette dangling lazily from the corner of his mouth. Before him is a drink, a martini shaken not stirred, and a large pile of gaming chips; he is always lucky at cards. The game is finished and the other players are getting up, considerably poorer than when they sat down. As he leans forward to gather his chips the blonde on his left asks his name. He turns to her with a half-smile, eyebrow cocked, and we see him clearly for the first time. The famous music starts to play as he says, “The name’s Bear, Fozzie Bear, ahaaa, wocka wocka!” At which point his bow tie starts to spin and the blonde snorts so hard stuff comes out her nose.

Flamborough III: Week 12 – 9th August

Well, here it is—the Flamborough gansey in all its glory, washed and blocked and with the pattern properly exposed. The alternating rows of knit and moss stitches running up the length of jumper look like a bead curtain but act as pleats; and these, together with the purl stitches either side of the cables, naturally pull it in and make it narrower. One of the reasons I choose this sort of pattern when I’m knitting a gansey for someone who isn’t me, is that it gives us some flexibility in terms of width: we can block it as wide as it needs to be, without stretching. It wasn’t an easy project to knit, requiring a little too much concentration to be entirely relaxing, but it was, I think, worth it (so long as it fits!). And the colour is, of course, to dye for.

Sunday at the coast

But lo! Others have been busy a-ganseying besides me: notably Camilla, who has finished a rather stunning red gansey. The yarn is Frangipani, but the patterns are taken from Alice Starmore’s Charts for Color Knitting and converted, not only to monochrome knitting but also with an element of re-sizing. The end result, I’m sure you’ll agree, is very impressive, and not just for how the patterns were translated. (Camilla’s also sent us a picture of an earlier gansey, knit from patterns in Beth Brown-Reinsel, so if you click on the link you’ll see two for the price of one.) Many congratulations to Camilla!

Saturday at the Trinkie

Here in Wick the summer continues cool, grey and mostly dry—so dry in fact that we’re in danger of being officially designated a drought area, which seems absurd considering how wet, flooded and generally be-thunderstormed the entire rest of the country’s been. Eagerly we watch weather forecasts, which show heavy bands of rain heading our way, only for them to veer off to either side, or mysteriously evaporate before they make landfall. The river’s so dry that anyone wishing to down their sorrows is now officially advised to bring a straw; if I threw myself off the bridge at low tide I think I’d bounce.



Meanwhile we’ve been rewatching the three Lord of the Rings movies, which hold up very well, considering we now know the trick was done. But one thing has bothered me ever since I first read the books getting on for fifty years ago: the fact that the king’s duplicitous counsellor is called “Wormtongue”. I mean, you’d think someone might have wondered about that a bit sooner, really. But I suppose we should be grateful that this sort of naming convention more commonly associated with The Pilgrim’s Progress doesn’t apply in detective fiction as well:
Watson: “Good Lord, Holmes, how’d you do it?”
Holmes: “You mean what first led me to suspect Sir Jasper Dastardly Arsenic-Poisoner?”
Watson: “Yes Holmes.”
Holmes: “It was elementary, my dear Watson. But what really puzzles me is this other case, the deadly assault upon Mr Innocent Victim whose fortune will now be inherited by Lord Henry Bludgeon…”

Flamborough III: Week 11 – 2nd August

What’s the most embarrassing thing to happen to you this week? In my case it came with an invitation to speak at an information management forum. No problem I said, but I’ve never come across this forum before, can you tell me more about it? The reply when it came was crushing: “You gave a presentation to it last month”. Oops. (If only, one feels, the “reply all” button hadn’t been clicked, causing the exchange to be shared with about 150 others.) In my defence, I have been very busy…

To be fair, this is nothing new. When I worked in Taunton in the late 2000s I was so overworked at one point my team used to start meetings with, “We discussed this yesterday, but you won’t remember what was said, so let me remind you…” But in truth I’ve been forgetful all my life. I remember one day being jolted out of a reverie to discover I was trying to insert a long-playing record into the tiny drawer of a cassette deck, with no recollection of how I’d got there or, indeed, of the previous half-hour. (That’s an anecdote that will probably require copious footnotes for anyone under forty when this blog is eventually reprinted in the Penguin Classics edition.) Bob Dylan’s late, great song Not Dark Yet contains the lyric, “I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from”; and I listen to it and think, you and me both Bob, you and me both.

A foggy day at the Trinkie

It’s partly my faulty memory that leads me to keep track of my knitting with 5-barred gates and detailed notes; left to my own devices I’d be hopelessly adrift, especially when it comes to a row count. It’s a bit of fag keeping count on the sleeves, especially when plain knitting near the cuff with the rows coming thick and fast, but it’s the only way to keep the count accurate; and it ensures that both sleeves are exactly the same length. (I don’t know how it is, but I can measure the same sleeve a dozen times and get a dozen different lengths.) Anyway, I’m almost at the cuff of the second sleeve, and even with six inches of ribbing ahead of me (six inches! *sob*) I should finish it this week.

Emperor Moth caterpillar (about 2″/5cm long)

And while some people use memories like chapter headings in a book so they always know where they are in their lives, or the way a mountain climber uses pitons, hammering them home for a surer footing, I live in a fog of recollective uncertainty. True, some memories do loom out of the haze, as sharp and devastating as icebergs, but mostly my mind’s filled with a sort of murky, impenetrable memory soup. And, you know, that’s okay. For as someone said to me this week (one of the 150 who were “replied all”), I should look on the bright side: for even if things go badly, odds are I’ll have forgotten all about it next month…

Flamborough III: Week 10 – 26th July

I spend a lot of time these days in Zoom meetings, and this last week I’ve derived no little enjoyment from talking to colleagues sweltering in England’s recent heatwave, who gasp and flop like the last fish left in a dried-up mud pool, when suddenly they stop and stare at the screen, and squint, and lean forward, and exclaim indignantly—”Hold on a minute! Are you wearing a… pullover?” Yes, it’s a typical Caithness summer, and while the south of the country—anywhere south of Inverness, basically—has been broiling in temperatures of 28-30ºC, here in the frozen north it’s been a cloudy 14-16ºC (“bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be in Wick was very heaven”, as Wordsworth put it when he was up here caravanning).

Sarclet Harbour

And then on Sunday the clouds parted, the sun came out, the thermometer slammed all the way up to 18º, so we took a trip to Sarclet (my favourite abandoned harbour that’s an anagram of a colour) for a walk along the cliffs. Reader, it was glorious. The sky was unbroken blue from horizon to horizon, and the sea glittered in the sunlight like taffy cooling in the tin (always supposing you like your taffy blue). Fulmars wheeled along the cliff walls or skimmed in formation over the surface of the ocean like those TIE fighters in Star Wars, possibly searching for a rogue seal who’d defected to the rebel alliance. Fledgling seagulls, like teenagers everywhere, were gathered in surly gangs down in the harbour, talking about girls and cadging ciggies off each other.

Thistle & Bee

The gorse has all gone over now, and it’s too early for the heather to be doing much, so in the meantime along the clifftops distinctive Scottish flora is represented by clumps of thistles blooming purple and spiky, each with that curious flat top that looks like the flower equivalent of a buzzcut, or a landing pad for butterflies. There was just enough of an inshore breeze to keep the flies off, but it was still muggy, so all my clothes went in the incinerator when I got back. The forecast for the week ahead is for showers, and a tolerable 15-16º. I know our summers tend to be on the short side, it’s the price we pay for having longer winters, but even so I was hoping for rather more than just a day. Still, if that’s all we get, it was worth it.

Looking north towards Wick from Sarclet

Not even I would wear a gansey in the heat, not even for the pleasure of taunting colleagues, but that doesn’t stop me knitting. I’ve finished the first sleeve, and am well embarked upon the second. Another couple of weeks should see it through. As ever, we won’t be able to properly appreciate the pattern until it’s blocked and unfurled, but it already feels like a classic to me, and helford blue a colour I’m going to revisit.

Finally this week, thanks for all the comments and suggestions about our blowfly infestation. By midweek all the little perishers had, well, perished and been hoovered up. (I like to think my Dostoyevsky readings turned the scale. I came across one expiring and just caught its dying words: “But if there is no God, all our morality and ethics are without foundation…”) Though I’m now starting to wonder if we had a manifestation of the Lord of the Flies, who is now accidentally residing in our vacuum cleaner…