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Interlude 1: Weeks 3-4 – 6 January 2025

There’s a newish word I’ve been hearing on the radio for the last few years:  Twixmas.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t derive from the name of a popular candy bar, but from ‘betwixt’ and ‘Christmas’, and is used to denote that lazy, relaxed period between Christmas and New Year.  That brief period when the TV schedules are completely out of whack, the news seems to be mostly human interest stories, and you can’t remember what day it is. It’s not found in the Oxford English Dictionary (yet).  It seems to be an up-and-coming word, being used more frequently year by year.  It certainly is easier than saying ‘the week between Christmas and New Year’.

Speaking of Christmas, my friend and I had a relaxed day.  We lounged about in our ‘at home’ clothes, nibbled on crisps and dip, had Chinese food from the supermarket for Christmas dinner, listened to The Christmas Revels, and imbibed wine, drinking a toast to absent friends.  And solved first world problems and got some knitting done.

New Year’s Eve was also quiet.  I stayed in, and hadn’t planned to stay up until midnight but miscalculated the length of our traditional New Year’s Eve DVD – The Mikado by Opera Australia.  It was just as well I’d had no plans – the weather was stormy and wet, with many outdoor celebrations cancelled or delayed at the last minute. 


January 5th or 6th is Twelfth Night, depending on when you start counting, and is the day that signals the end of the Christmas season, when decorations are tucked into their boxes, cards taken off the mantlepiece, strings of lights carefully coiled and stowed away.  Christmas wassailing is over, but there is still time to wassail your apple trees to fend off evil spirits and to ensure they thrive.

If only there were a ceremony or ritual to make painful memories happier ones.  I can’t help but remember that this time last year Gordon’s memorial service took place, and a few days later, it was the last time I saw his brother.  ‘The first year is the hardest’ has been extended to perhaps ‘the first 18 months are the hardest’. 

Winter Sunset

This is where knitting comes in, which at least is a distraction.  The first sleeve of the lacy jacket is finished, and the second begun.  As I got nearer and nearer the bottom of the sleeve, I realised that a game of yarn chicken on the second sleeve was in the offing.  It’s going to be close, really close.  I’ve found some other yarn in the stash that won’t look too out of place and is approximately the right weight.  Buying more isn’t an option, because the yarn is an off-cone set from Colourmart.  I’d need to buy a full cone to replace any of the colours, and the last thing I need is more yarn.

Happy New Year to you all!  May it be cheerful, productive, and above all, better than 2024. 




3 comments to Interlude 1: Weeks 3-4 – 6 January 2025

  • meg macleod

    Blessings on you also for 2025.
    The yarn fairy at work again i see…beautiful.x.

  • Linda Abraham

    I understand the pain….I this was my 5th without my Russ, and while there is still some happiness, it seems a bit hollow. I send hugs and positive thoughts… are not alone and so many of us are supporting you from wherever we are….
    I am doing a bit of lace knitting and have a gansey pattern next. The Zen of knitting and creating something from spare time and ‘string’ is positive…🥰🥰

  • Frances

    Thank you! The lacy jacket is simply beautiful!
    A Happy New Year!

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